Split Enz. True story: I listened to a discussion among some Australian journalists on a Rotorua junket, directly after riding Split Enz in its original format, where they considered having some sort of competition (two-up?) where only the winner could use the word ‘Flow’ in their write-up. The losers would have to think up another word to describe the sensation of riding the trail, and it was clear that would be difficult. Created by Murray Avery, with a high-speed appetiser by the late James Dodds, the old Split Enz was a good thing. Logged into oblivion, it was completely rebuilt with almost no common ground but a very similar feel by Rotorua Trails Trust. It is much longer than the original, and still flows like butter. Ran a clear second out of 200 plus trails in a recent Trail Survey of Whakarewarewa Forest lines.
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